BSIF/REMA warn over fake vests

1 min read

Manufacturers have been warned to watch out for illegal personal protective equipment (PPE) entering the UK.

High vis vests that fall short of safety requirements are a particular threat according to the British Safety Federation (BSF) and Reflective Equipment Manufacturers Association (REMA). David Lummis, BSIF CEO said: "Unfortunately illegal PPE is continuing to be an unwelcome visitor in the workplace. Over recent years, a plethora of items have entered the market place, from gloves to high visibility vests, which have been produced using sub standard materials. Often these products are finished to a standard such that, to the untrained eye, it is difficult, if not impossible, to identify that they are fake." BSIF has teamed up with REMA to raise industry awareness to the risk. The campaign will feature guides to buying safety garments for professional and personal use (see link below for more). Some businesses were buying sub standard safety garments under the mistaken belief they were acceptable, BSIF and REMA said. John Lloyd REMA secretariat said: "Non-professional garments are covered by a different standard, BS EN 1150, which offers more flexibility in the aesthetic design but still requires effective levels of fluorescence and reflectivity. These garments are more likely to be purchased from non-specialist suppliers including supermarkets and street markets which makes the policing of the products extremely difficult. Even if they do comply with BS EN 1150 they are only suitable for private use and are not permissible for occupational use but sellers are unlikely to care who buys them." Fighting against illegal products both in the occupational and non-occupational industry is key to ensuring the nation remains fit and healthy.