DavyMarkham apprenticeship scheme wins IMechE accreditation

The highly regarded apprenticeship scheme at Sheffield-based heavy engineering specialist DavyMarkham has been officially accredited by the leading professional engineering body, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) - an achievement that it hopes will help with staff development and recruitment.

Having been discontinued by previous management, the scheme was successfully revived the firm two years ago and its new approval under the Institution's engineering technician development scheme means that all DavyMarkham apprentices are now affiliate members of IMechE. Upon completion of their three or four year apprenticeships, they will be eligible to apply for engineering technician status and to use the letters EngTech MIMechE after their names. IMechE's Regional Manager, Dennis Healey (pictured above right), visited the Sheffield plant to present a framed certificate to DavyMarkham managing director, Kevin Parkin (pictured above left), before a group of young trainees. The company said that the apprenticeship programme underwent a formal approvals process to demonstrate its commitment to the career development of its young engineers, as well as helping with the recruitment of further apprentices.