Mobile Tablet IT coming for manufacturers

1 min read

Manufacturing is expected to lead in uptake of mobile IT in Britain. A survey conducted by Microsoft among software developers showed that 18% are working with industry, ahead of education, healthcare and government, to develop mobile applications. Brian Tinham reports

Manufacturing is expected to lead in uptake of mobile IT in Britain. A survey conducted by Microsoft among software developers showed that 18% are working with industry, ahead of education, healthcare and government, to develop mobile applications. Technologies like wireless networks, PDAs and now Tablet PCs are seeing most development. Microsoft expects manufacturers to be high on the list of using them to change business processes for the better. It cites, for example, planners being able to visit different departments and manufacturing centres and capture and share live information. Microsoft reckons the Tablet PC is the next mobile technology for manufacturing, “with 70% of UK software developers planning to create applications over the next two years.” David Parker of manufacturing software application developer bVisual, for example, says: “Mobile computing is certainly a major area of growth for IT, and manufacturing industry is well placed to benefit from emerging technologies… “In a very dynamic industry like manufacturing that relies on technology to capture and manage information, but often needs people to be on their feet and mobile, the Tablet has great potential… We are developing an application called Visual Risk Analyser to help measure business project risks. The Tablet PC means we can offer a much clearer, easy-to-use interface to our customers.”