Moy Park deploys Infor EAM to cut costs and boost productivity

1 min read

Poultry processor Moy Park, which has now deployed Infor EAM Enterprise asset management software, says it expects to reduce production downtime and purchasing costs, while also boosting productivity and improving financial control.

According to Conor Thompson, IS programme manager at the Northern Ireland food processor, the system is due to go live across 13 sites across Ireland, England, Wales, Scotland, France, and the Netherlands by June 2012. He explains that initially it will manage all non-inventory assets, valued at a total of approximately £17,000,000, effectively delivering improved analysis and control of the engineering department's spending. And it will help to measure suppliers' performance, so cutting the costs of procurement for the business overall and further streamlining purchasing processes. Thompson says the solution will increase efficiency of maintenance by improving analysis and reporting of asset condition by symptom, the reason for failure and work order type – quickly helping engineering to reduce downtime by better scheduling and proactive maintenance. "We are ever mindful that in a sector as global as ours, there is always someone ready to take advantage if we don't stay ahead in every respect of our operation," comments Thompson. "As part of our drive to have the best production facilities in the world, our use of Infor10 EAM Enterprise will help Moy Park keep its edge over the competition." For the future, he plans to implement Infor10 EAM Asset Sustainability to reduce energy consumption throughout the business.