Woodworking tools maker saws 50% off development time

1 min read

Italian high tech woodworking tools manufacturer Vivaldi reckons that moving to collaborative 3D CAD is shaving 50% off its key new product development cycles.

Vivaldi, based in Ala near Trento, Italy, designs and manufactures production tooling for the many of the world’s leading window manufacturers. More than 80% of its products are custom made for individual clients, and the firm says the new system is ideal because designers can use it to change existing models without the headaches of history-based modellers. The firm has moved up from using CoCreate’s 2D CAD system, Designer Drafting, for all its drawings to OneSpace Designer Modelling, CoCreate’s non-parametric 3D CAD software. “We already understand the OneSpace approach to design, so moving to CoCreate’s 3D tool required little disruption or additional learning time,” says Vivaldi engineer Leonardi Vanni. “CoCreate products offer a good price/performance ratio,” he adds. “We expect Designer Modelling to pay for itself in a matter of months.” The new system supports rich master models, meaning that Vivaldi can attach information to models so that anyone using them now or in the future can be sure of designer intent. “Any time you can capture and communicate the information in the designer’s head, you prevent mistakes and save money,” comments Vanni. Vivaldi worked with CoCreate reseller EIT to make the transformation.