Aggregate industries replaces Cognos with QlikView

1 min read

Concrete and aggregate products supplier and manufacturer Aggregate Industries has replaced its Cognos business intelligence system with the QlikView Business Discovery platform.

The company says it is increasing efficiency as well as improving the access and usage of information across the business. Aggregate Industries is developing specific QlikView apps for finance, commerce, procurement, haulage and security, with plans to access QlikView on iPad and other mobile devices. "When we chose QlikView we wanted to do more than save costs," comments Mike Gibbons, chief information officer of Aggregate Industries Europe. "The recession has changed the landscape of the construction sector and now we have to think innovatively and strategically about how we run our business, without simply implementing technology for initial cost savings," he explains. "QlikView is enabling employees to extract relevant data much faster than with the previous solution and, with direct access to the data, our staff can spend more time on analysis instead of data collation working with one single version of the truth," continues Gibbons. "We're changing the way we see ourselves as a business and ultimately changing the overall culture around how we operate day-to-day. QlikView not only gives us visibility on performance internally, but it also allows us to evaluate our sales strategy and client priorities."