Alenia Aeronautica to standardise on eur 10m Siemens PLM software

Italian aerospace group Alenia Aeronautica says it expects to cut costs of its PLM (product lifecycle management) environment by ripping out its existing solution and legacy systems, and replacing them with Siemens PLM Software.

Alenia is going for eur 10 million worth of Teamcenter software, formerly from UGS, which, it says, will “unify all new product development and introduction activities into a single source of product and process knowledge, bridging the gap between the product design and manufacturing departments”. Nazario Cauceglia, Alenia Aeronautica’s CTO says that the initial project will allow instant collaboration, configuration management and integration with manufacturing. “This new solution will help us to bridge the gap between the engineering and the manufacturing departments, sharing product and technology information within our extensive network of users in Italy and abroad,” says Cauceglia. Teamcenter will enable Alenia to share product and technology information with hundreds of employees at multiple locations, helping to standardise new product development practices across the business.