Benchmark shift patterns against others, says EEF

1 min read

Workers on a night shift receive an average premium of 33% on their salary, according to a report by EEF, the manufacturers’ organisation.

The report is the final part of EEF’s series of four pay benchmarking reports, and calls on manufacturers to compare themselves to the rest of the industry in terms of the premium paid for each shift type.

The organisation is offering a free guide to common shift patterns, which provides the reasoning behind each pattern and some of the pros and cons of what would work best for different companies.

“Shift work is common in a sector where companies often operate 24/7 in order to boost production capacity or make the best use of expensive capital equipment,” said Amanda Norris, survey manager at EEF. “The benefits for manufacturers of reduced production costs, less need for expensive overtime and increased flexibility are clear.

“This is why it’s important that manufacturers are able to benchmark themselves against other companies in terms of shift patterns and what incentives employees receive for taking on these working arrangements.”