Debate on Europe ‘letting Britain down’ – EEF

1 min read

Manufacturing bosses have hit out at those who, it says, are "letting Britain down" by calling for a referendum on EU membership.

The manufacturers' organisation EEF is calling on the prime minister to hold good his promise of leading a proper, informed debate about Britain's relationship with the EU. It believes the current debate is 'letting British business down' with politicians making claims that the EU isn't working for Britain rather than focusing on how to make it work better. The call comes ahead of the EU referendum amendment to the Queen's Speech and on the back of the publication of a Draft Bill to enshrine this referendum in law. Instead, EEF is urging David Cameron to lead a debate which will provide an informed choice for British businesses, those working for them, and current and potential investors. EEF chief executive Terry Scuoler said: "Our future relationship with Europe is crucial for British business, those who work for them and those companies considering investing here. They deserve better than our politicians past and present lining up to say things aren't working and that a vote is needed now. We need a debate that gives the British public the evidence it needs to make an informed choice about what it could gain from a reformed Europe. "In January the prime minister promised to promote the benefits of the single market and work with like-minded states in Europe to create a union focused on growth, competitiveness and job creation. Whatever their views, the rest of his party must commit themselves 100% to this approach for the benefit of Britain."