DHL/Coventry University team up to offer supply chain webinars

DHL Supply Chain has partnered with Coventry University to host a series of webinars sharing insight and best practice as businesses restart operations.

The webinars draw on learnings from the manufacturing sector and experience gained during the COVID-19 crisis, featuring expert guests including supply chain lecturers from Coventry University, Heads of Logistics, and senior leaders from DHL Supply Chain.

The series will cover a range of topics and sector-specific issues including managing performance in light of COVID-19 and creating a supply chain fit for the future in a time of crisis.

The next webinar, Restarting, Redesigning, Reinventing: the future of manufacturing after Lockdown’, will take place on 16th June, 10am-11am, with a team of panellists from DHL, Coventry University and Liberty Industries Group.