Employers encouraged to “Beat the deadline and file now”

1 min read

Employers who haven’t yet filed their 2006-07 Annual Return (to inform HMRC of the tax and national insurance payments of their employees for the last financial year) need to do so by 19 May.

HMRC says that the best way to beat the deadline is online. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, online filing provides employers with the quickest and easiest way to file their return. And, for employers with fewer than 50 employees who file a valid return online, there is a £150 tax-free payment available. Employers with 50 or more employees must file their returns online. Don MacArthur, Director of HMRC’s Employer Programme, says: “The last thing we want is for employers to file late and receive a penalty. The sooner we get the information, the sooner we can process it. So beat the 19 May deadline, and file now.” Each year around 1.8 million employers throughout the UK are required to inform HMRC of the tax and national insurance payments of their employees for the last financial year. Employers meet this obligation by sending in a P14 noting each individual employee’s payments and a P35 summarising the details for their entire workforce. Help and advice on employer filing is available on the HMRC website or by calling the HMRC Employer Helpline on 08457 143 143.