Engineering firm set for export growth

1 min read

Black Country based Bri-Mac Engineering is chasing new export opportunities in the Middle East to drive company growth, following a successful trip to showcase UK capability in the sustainable energy sector. Managing director Paul McCairn joined a delegation of business leaders from across the renewables supply chain, to exhibit in the UK Pavilion at the World Future Energy Summit (WFES) held in Abu Dhabi last month.

"This was a worthwhile trip," he said. "We were well received and established a number of exciting contacts that will help us to advance our existing sales network across the region". Export growth has been instrumental in doubling turnover at the family owned firm during the past four years. Bri-Mac specialises in the manufacture of bearing housings for a range of materials bulk handling sectors and renewable energy applications such as wind, waste water, re-cycling and hydro power. During a visit to the plant last year, Chancellor George Osborne praised the firm for its export growth. McCairn believes that Abu Dhabi is an excellent base for his business to engage across the United Arab Emirates, allowing it to capitalise on low carbon and sustainable energy needs throughout the Middle East. He praised the help received from UK Trade & Investment which led the visit, explaining that "as a small engineering business, we could not have done this trip without their expert support".