Intellect re-launches services for electronics manufacturing sector

1 min read

Intellect, the trade association for the UK technology industry, is re-launching the services it provides to companies in the electronics manufacturing sector.

As part of this re-launch, the Association for Contract Electronics Manufacturers (ACeM) will become the Electronics Manufacturing Services Association (EMSA), operating under a new charter. Its aim is to improve the business environment for its members by shaping markets, influencing government policy, and providing thought leadership and business services. In 2008 it will concentrate on access to R&D tax credits, addressing the current skills shortage, effective offshore supply chain management and establishing the new Code of Practice as the fundamental standard which all EMS companies should work to. The EMSA will officially launch at a reception today. The group’s general aims, and its work programme for 2008, are encapsulated in a newly produced charter, agreed on by all members and available to view online. Phil Inness, chairman of Intellect’s Electronics Manufacturing Services Association, and former chair of the ACeM, says: “Intellect has followed the development of UK contract manufacturing. It believes the sector is crying out for a unified representative voice to powerfully state the case that electronics manufacturing in the U.K. has, with the right support, a very positive future, and that with the right focus, UK EMS providers have no equal anywhere else in the world.” During the course of 2008, Intellect will roll-out a series of new interest groups to provide similar services to other elements of the electronics supply chain. The reception will also see the announcement of these new initiatives. Existing offerings, such as the PCB Fabricators and Suppliers Group, will be improved and expanded on.