K3 responds to worries over ERP licensing policies

1 min read

As industry increasingly calls for clarity and flexibility over ERP software licensing, K3 Syspro has revealed that 80% of its orders this year have come from manufacturers looking for flexible, cost-effective solutions.

The manufacturing software developer cites Bowyer Engineering, which majored on total cost of ownership for its ERP solution – so alleviating fears around the transparency of software licensing and upgrade costs. Andy Latham, managing director of K3 Syspro, says that to allay concerns, K3 Syspro has always offered a range of transparent licensing options and modules for its Syspro ERP solution. Customers, he says, pay only for the modules they use, rather than a complete package – in line with more than 14,000 other companies across 60 countries worldwide. "While all software manufacturers develop their software, most place an additional charge for this whereas our solution includes it in the original price," explains Latham. "Our annual licence fee is directly channelled back to customer support and product development, so our customers invest in a relationship with us rather than just a piece of software," he adds. Leicester-based manufacturer and supplier of heating and cooling equipment S&P Coils Products – which opted for K3's ERP system in the cloud – is one customer happy with the arrangement. "We've seen our work volumes increase and Syspro will allow us to scale up and improve our efficiencies. This is particularly important as we operate just-in-time business processes and we need these to be effective," says Ali Soomro, MIS project manager at SPC.