Marine energy making waves in south west

1 min read

The government has announced a £5 million grant to further support the development of infrastructure for marine energy in the UK.

The award follows the launch of the UK Marine Industries Strategic Framework in March and will be used to develop a marine renewables business park in south west England. The Hayle-based park will be a focus for the future development of a cluster of businesses based around marine energy. The government said that along with an industrial and technology base the country was well equipped with natural resources as well as a skilled work force. Marine energy presents significant benefits to the UK economy with an estimated potential of up to 16,000 UK wave jobs by 2040. The funding has given a further boost to south west England's bid to establish itself as a leader in marine renewables. The region was designated the first low carbon economic area last year because of its potential in marine energy, and makes up part of the government strategy to reach the national target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 34% from 1990 levels by 2020. £19.5 million has been allocated to the south west as part of a £100 million two-year investment programme in marine renewables. Hayle is located on the doorstep of the pioneering Wave Hub project for which construction started late last year and completion is expected this autumn. The initiative was given £9.5 million support from the government to create the UK's first offshore facility to demonstrate the operation of arrays of wave energy generation devices and the first wave energy devices are expected in 2011. The Wave Hub project will create a less costly environment where developers can test prototypes and arrays in real sea conditions. Business Minister Ian Lucas said "The grant we're announcing today is part of the government's investment in the south west as a leading area for marine renewable energy." Last month £4 million of government funding was awarded for a marine building at the University of Plymouth to house new wave tank facilities and provide a flagship location where researchers and enterprises can interact and collaborate.