Mentoring scheme for supply chain managers

1 min read

UKWA, the logistics industry trade association, has launched a new mentoring service for supply chain executives.

"There is plenty of evidence to suggest that business mentoring has a positive effect on a company, whether it is a new start-up or an established organisation," says Roger Williams (pictured), UKWA's chief executive officer. "A mentor can provide guidance on developing and improving a business; offer help with difficult decisions; suggest ideas for new products or services, or ways of working; give business tips based on practical experience and provide access to a network of contacts built up over many years." UKWA's mentoring team comprises retired or semi-retired business people who have been specially selected for their experience and their willingness to share that expertise with others. "During their careers, UKWA's mentors may have built up a warehousing business, found finance, hired and fired, squeezed assets, bought and sold companies, negotiated successfully, learned the principles of effective marketing, leadership, and lots more," says Williams. "They will also have extensive contacts within the industry."