MESA white paper shows how to set up OEE system

Operations management community organisation MESA International has published a white paper aimed at helping manufacturers to implement transformational OEE reporting.

Jaap Both, one of the paper's authors, says that MESA white paper number 34 is effectively a guide to setting up and sustaining OEE (overall equipment effectiveness) measurement to improve operational performance. "Practical implementation of OEE is usually not as simple as it seems in theory," comments Both. "This white paper covers both organisational issues to ease the implementation process, as well as technical considerations you are likely to encounter when designing OEE." Both suggests that setting up improvement teams and implementing OEE-reporting together provide an increased focus on improvement potential – which can be particularly valuable with relatively small and focused projects. He also insists makes the point that OEE provides an ideal metric for scoring production lines, in terms of throughput, quality and downtime.