NSAM helps internal training lead to recognised qualifications

1 min read

Nine team leaders from Visteon in Liverpool were celebrating in October. They became the first Visteon employees to be awarded prestigious industry-recognised qualifications for business improvement techniques, with help from the National Skills Academy for Manufacturing (NSAM).

The National Vocational Qualification for Business Improvement Techniques Level 3 (NVQ for B-IT Level 3) is an approved benchmark of competence in the application of practices which help organisations optimise their business processes. The awards at the Halewood Focused Factory site in Liverpool, are the result of a one year, three-way effort by Visteon, the NSAM and the Thames Gateway College. Together they have ensured Visteon’s internal training offers employees a route to recognised qualifications whilst retaining its reputation for high quality learning. The process included Stephen Burford, one of Visteon’s leading trainers, being accredited by Thames Gateway as an NVQ assessor. This meant his assessment skills were validated to a level which now allows the college to award NVQ certificates to his candidates when he states they have passed. Burford said: “We’ve offered an opportunity to our workforce and they have grabbed it with both hands. This is about demand not supply. Our employees and supply chain partners have demanded it of us, we have demanded it of the skills industry and the Skills Academy has responded and helped us deliver against the requirements of our people.” John Bradley is the Skill’s Academy’s representative who co-ordinated the tripartite. He claims that the changes it has helped Visteon make will deliver benefits beyond just educating the workforce. “This isn’t just about training staff, Visteon was already doing that job well. This is about sustainable business benefits and Visteon giving something back to its employees. A validated and recognised qualification demonstrates the value the company puts on its employees and its suppliers. It increases confidence in the workplace and boosts morale. This is a long term approach for Visteon. It has always had excellent quality training content and delivery, now it is not only excellent but validated and recognised through the National Skills Academy for Manufacturing.”