SAP leadership centre to help CFOs drive business transformation

1 min read

SAP today (23 August 2011) announced the launch of its CFO Leadership Centre microsite at, aimed at providing a one-stop information source for finance officers.

SAP says it puts "cutting-edge material" at CFOs' fingertips, to help them compare and benchmark performance in key areas, including performance management, financial close, risk and compliance, shared services, treasury and accounts payable, and receivables functions. Most important, the microsite also centres on how CFOs can transform in their roles to meet the needs of the ever-changing environmental and economic climate, particularly in these difficult times. SAP partnered with CFO Research Services to develop a research paper, 'The Superstar CFO: After the Crisis', featured on the site., which provides an engaging interview-based study that explores CFOs' role in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. SAP will focus on 'The Superstar CFO: After the Crisis' in a webinar taking place today at 2:00 p.m. EDT on The webinar will feature David Owens, associate director of Research for CFO Research Services, who conducted the study, and will be free for all participants. "CFOs today face unique challenges as the global economy resets itself, and it's hard to know what advice to trust," comments Owens. "I believe this is an informative research paper that will be a valuable addition to SAP's microsite."