Skanska UK joins Manufacturing Technology Centre

1 min read

Construction giant Skanska UK has joined the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), it has been revealed.

One of the UK’s High Value Manufacturing Catapult Centres, the MTC develops and proves innovative manufacturing processes and technologies in a low risk environment.

Skanska UK’s membership will allow for the further development of technologies and will support the opportunity to work in collaborative teams with clients and supply chain partners.

Mike Putnam, president and chief executive of Skanska UK, said: “Skanska UK’s membership of the MTC supports our aim to be a leader in the development of new technology, which can benefit the whole industry.

“Through the MTC, we will be able to develop new technologies, with the support of engineering experts and thinking from other leading global organisations.

“As a member of the Construction Leadership Council we see this as a big opportunity to collaborate with our clients and supply chain partners, to help upskill the whole industry.”

Other members of the MTC include global manufacturing companies from multiple sectors, while research partners include Loughborough University, the University of Nottingham, and the University of Birmingham.

Neil Rawlinson, strategic development director at the MTC, added: “The construction sector is primed to benefit from new technologies such as automation (robotics), virtual reality visualisation and additive manufacturing, which will enhance global players like Skanska through to SMEs in the supply chain.

“This partnership will be a significant game changer not only for the construction industry but also for the MTC as we are poised to launch a high-profile campaign within the construction and infrastructure sectors that will illustrate the range of technologies and the impact they can have.”