Unite demands government rescue BAE workers

Unite, Britain's largest union, has demanded the government step into save thousands of BAE workers from losing their jobs.

Unite national officer, Ian Waddell said: "The government cannot sit on its hands and allow these highly skilled jobs to disappear. We expect the MoD to intervene urgently to protect these jobs, otherwise the UK's defence industry risks losing the critical mass it needs to maintain its reputation." Unite is set to meet with BAE today to discuss upto 3,000 job losses, which follow a slump in worldwide defence spending. Deep cuts to UK defence spending means it will be difficult to redeploy redundant workers, the union stressed. Unite went on to accuse ministers of shirking on promises to grow UK manufacturing. Waddell said: "Once again George Osborne's proclamation that he would create the right conditions to drive the economy forward through British manufacturing is ringing hollow. The makers are not marching, they are in retreat."