Virtual SAN appliance now verified as Citrix-ready

DataCore SAN (storage area network) technologies SANmelody and SANsymphony have now been accredited as Citrix-ready for XenServer, running as a SAN storage virtual appliance, as well as on standard servers and blades.

DataCore says that rigorous testing verified that both implementations will support XenServer 4.1 virtual machines with virtual storage and advanced storage services for more demanding virtual server environments, such as fail-safe data protection, high availability mirroring and disaster recovery replication. “Now more than ever, storage virtualisation is being adopted hand-in-hand with server, desktop and application delivery virtualisation,” comments George Teixeira, president and CEO of DataCore Software. “Our storage virtualisation software, which can be implemented as a virtual appliance or running on any standard physical software, creates a storage-usability layer, giving your storage the consolidation flexibility, simplicity and utilisation benefits of virtualisation, and the advantage of performing all your important storage services across all your physical storage as a single pool,” he adds.