Low-level order picker from Toyota is 'smooth operator'

Toyota's new range of low-level order pickers is available from this month. The equipment's design focuses on a 'smooth operator' concept, says Toyota, which eliminates vibration.

The BT Optio L series incorporates several options to suit different applications and is said to be more durable than its predecessor. The truck features an electric steering arm which can be positioned according to driving conditions, allowing driving at height or the ability to move the truck on from the ground by walking beside it. A low step height, sure-step facility and backrest increase operator comfort. In addition the L Series offers a choice of models with forks that can be elevated to 800mm. One model offers handling capacities of 1.2 tonnes, lifting to an ergonomic waist-height handling position, while the heavy-duty model can provide the same lifting position but also long forks and 2 tonne capacity, enabling up to four roll cages to be handled on a single consignment.