Expert tips: Financing & insuring in manufacturing

2 mins read

Manufacturing businesses will have many different needs compared to one that is purely involved in the trade and movement of various goods. As a result, they need to approach their finances and insurance in very different ways. Here, UK Linkology share expert tips to help you tackle these two crucial areas.

Insure the Important Machinery

Even if you do not handle specialised manufacture, you will most likely have some incredibly expensive equipment on your factory floor. There are several ways you can buy this. You could choose to rent it for long periods of time, you could buy through a hire purchase scheme, or you could even use a special type of loan that gives you a line of credit for exactly this type of purchase. However, this does not account for what could happen if something goes wrong with the machinery, requiring to need either repairs or even a full replacement.

As a result, you need to make sure that all important equipment is correctly insured. This is going to be an incredibly vital step that will ensure that you have the coverage you need to replace equipment if you need to. A factory can ground to halt completely if the wrong things ends up out of commission. You need to ensure that yours is insured and fully protected.

Track All Finances

A manufacturing business will have lots of major wholesale spends as they buy from suppliers, but they will also have lots of small ones too. If you are running up a prototype for a new product, you might only be ordering a tiny fraction of what a full order could look like. It could barely make a blip on your monthly spending report.

However, it all needs to be fully accountable. You need to ensure that you are logging everything correctly so you can file taxes correctly and claim any grants you might be eligible. By making use of tools like BTC's software for making tax digital, you can ensure that all aspects of the business are accounted for. This will then feed back into other areas as it will help to free up budgets for new projects and other areas of investment.

Reassess Production Regularly

A manufacturing business rarely works on just the one project at a time. This can be a massive waste of resources, and it can result in a lot of lost contracts in other areas. While a company should never spread themselves too thin, it is always wise to have the capacity to be able to produce several types of product even if they are all just changes and alterations on the same one.

However, with that must come a constant reassessment to ensure that you are not spending money on a project that is not giving you the right revenue back. If you have one manufacturing process that is not used enough to justify its cost, it might be time to reassess your process and search for a replacement that could be more profitable.

Balancing the finances of a manufacturing business can be incredibly difficult. There are many aspects of this that all have to be finely managed, from the insurance protecting machinery and employees alike to the cost of manufacturing itself. You need to ensure that you are always focused upon finding those paths that can be profitable and rewarding for the business as a whole. If those can be found, a manufacturing business will always be able to push forward to continued success and reward, no matter the precise industry they operate in.