BT Business and Sage offer quick route to e-commerce

1 min read

BT Business' launch today of a new service with Sage Pay, is aimed at protecting manufacturing SMEs from online payment fraud.

Its BT eShop service includes secure online payment processing tools from the UK's largest independent Internet Payment Service Provider, Sage Pay. Sage Pay managing director Simon Black says it that will help businesses to quickly set-up secure online stores while also reducing the risk of fraud across all of their online transactions. "More than two thirds of businesses admit payment fraud remains one of the most daunting elements of running an online business," comments Black. "BT Business has more than one million relationships with small businesses in the UK. By bringing this expertise together with Sage Pay's knowledge of Internet payment security, we can now help companies take their businesses online more simply and cost effectively." As for the rest of BT eShop, it includes functionality to manage back office functions that any business needs to operate an ecommerce operation – including customer orders, warehouse management, multi-language support, shipping and payment methods with a full range of marketing tools.