Manufacturing 'diplomats' awarded at University ceremony

1 min read

High flying manufacturing managers have been awarded the Diploma in Manufacturing, a qualification by The Manufacturing Institute (TMI), at The University of Manchester.

The managers have fast tracked their careers and boosted productivity and profits in their companies by gaining the two-year part-time Diploma, according to TMI. Barry Machen, unit manager for Unilever in Manchester and Mark Hubbard, operations manager for Warrington-based PQ Silicas UK were awarded distinctions. Hubbard's colleague, assistant plant manager Chris Bate, graduated, as did two managers at Huddersfield-based Marshalls Mono – site production manager Stuart Brown, and business improvement manager Stuart Bravington. Other graduates included Daniel Capers, fuel services operations manager at Sellafield; Darren Wilson, operations director at Runcorn-based Reagent Chemical Services, and Brenton Breukers, shift supervisor at Manchester-based M&I Materials. Julie Madigan, Manufacturing Institute CEO, said: "Now entering its 20th year, The Diploma in Manufacturing continues to provide a high level development programme for experienced and talented team leaders and managers who might not, otherwise, have the opportunity to participate in higher education. "Our sector has transformed and is driven by skills, research and smarter ways of doing things. Our Diploma graduates are leading this march of the makers to even greater heights and we will follow their future successes keenly."