Printing press manufacturer halves storage space requirement

Komori UK has installed a mobile racking system, halving the floor space required for pallet racking and, in turn, saving money by enabling it to choose smaller premises for a new facility.

Komori, manufacturer and supplier of printing press equipment, purchased the mobile system from SSI Schaefer for its Leeds facility. Darren Etherington, Komori's parts manager, said: "We have achieved significant space and cost savings as a result of Schaefer's mobile pallet racking system which is good news for the business – storage capacity is often scarce and expensive, but this system has allowed us to gain high density, easy-to-access storage space without having to pay out for larger premises than necessary." SSI Schaefer's mobile racking has rack units mounted on a carriage. They are designed to suit various weights – light and medium loads can be moved manually, heavy load systems move on rails and are powered.