Unite slams government bid to solve workplace disputes earlier

1 min read

Unite the Union has slammed government proposals to resolve workplace disputes before they reach tribunal.

The resolving workplace dispute consultation was based on "myths", Unite warned. Proposals will bar vulnerable workers from receiving justice and fail to ease labour market concerns of employers, the UK's largest union said. The measures form part of a government review of employment law .Whitehall claims it is seeking more early resolution of workplace disputes in a way that is fair and equitable for both sides and to ensure cases that do go to tribunal employment tribunal are dealt with swiftly. However, Unite accused the government of trying to curry favour with big business. Unite Assistant General Secretary, Tony Burke said: 'The government must be careful. It cannot play with the fundamental principle of access to justice simply to appease the CBI which has been lobbying for exactly these changes very openly.' Burke added: 'It is tough enough for UK workers, who have the poorest workplace protections compared to their European counterparts, without the government fabricating evidence in order to do the dirty work of a powerful business interest group.' Unite also questioned outlined savings from the proposals. Unite said it did not accept the proposals will lead to the resource savings envisaged. Unite also criticised efforts to extend the qualifying period for unfair dismissal claims from one to two years.